Growing a franchise begins at the local level. Online marketing and boosting search engine results through search engine optimization (SEO) all play crucial roles in driving new traffic to your website and place of business. However, it is of little help when someone from Seattle visits your website when you’re located in Atlanta. This is why you need to focus on localized SEO.
Search engine optimization is the practice of making your website more attractive to search engines so that when Internet users search for words and phrases related to your business, you come up as the first result. As a local business, you need to attract local Internet users. Local SEO helps with this. With local SEO, your website is tailored to a given region in order to attract Web searchers in your area. This is especially important as more and more users are searching on their mobile devices for nearby restaurants and shops.
To tailor your website or social media page to reach local users, it needs to include local information. Listing your business address ensures search engines can identify the region. Placing a map on your “About Us” or “Contact Us” page helps as well. Additionally, make sure to include the city name within the text on your website. You can improve local SEO by claiming your business on Google® Maps, making sure your location and hours are accurate, and adding clear photos that showcase your location and menu.
Local search engine optimization (SEO) is a vital attribute to growing your business. As a local franchise, you need to make sure customers find you even if they’re not looking out their car windows, in the phone book, or on the Samurai Sam’s® corporate website. This way, you can attract last-minute decision-makers, people who are on the go, and people who want to try different restaurants near their homes or workplaces.
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